Richard Cameron's National Compass
Measuring and monitoring the gravitational fields of American society, media and politics.
A New Year, A New Set Of Challenges And Renewed Commitment To Resist Emerging American Authoritarianism
I’m taking an opportunity to connect with a wider potential community here at Substack - people who not only are paying attention to the threats to democracy, but wish to gain insight into how all of us can form a collective to tell the incoming president, his orbit and his minions, “F—K NO!”, but also how to participate in the effort.
Having said that, I am still in the imagineering phase of what all this is going to consist of and the composition of intersecting avenues we will map out to both inform, motivate, equip and partner with readers to accomplish the ultimate objective, which is to throw spike strips in front of the Trump Clown Bus to prevent it from taking America backwards to a dark place, which we can already see glimpses of.
Please allow me to introduce myself … briefly.
I’m Richard Cameron, Editor In Chief of the news analysis, news commentary site, National Compass.
We started in Spring of 2017, specifically to add our voice, as a few drops of water in the pond, in generating a Tsunami against Trump and MAGA. Along the way, we have added posts covering a very wide and comprehensive array of subject matter and topics, not limited to, but including societal trends, reviewing the mass media, music, medicine, technology, history, philosophy, public policy and sports.
Will we impose a subscription on you for accessing content?
In a word, no. As with National Compass, I am not of the philosophy of requiring monetary participation.
That said, going forward, we will always respectfully remind you of the value proposition and humbly request that if you feel you benefit from the content, in order to sustain it, (and if you can afford to do so), we would deeply appreciate whatever level of subscriber participation you can commit to.
3. How frequently do we post?
A lot depends on not just the other commitments I am responsible to maintain, but frankly, what events compel me to write. Most of what I write winds up being something that has intruded on my consciousness that insists that I deal with it by putting my impressions down in writing.
If and when you see it here, it will be the result of the subject at hand dragging my by the “sharp lapel of my checkered coat” to the computer and diving in. And compared to the narrator in the song I have just referenced, I will inevitably “rock the boat.”
4. Thank you for joining me on this first date. I’m looking forward to getting better acquainted.
I have an article in the works, which I expect to publish here tomorrow on the subject of TikTok, tentatively titled, “TikTok - Should It Stay Or Should It Go?” See you then. Stay safe and sane in the meantime.
For now, if you will excuse me, I have a bunch of pencils to sharpen.
Hi Richard. I skimmed for now and will read thoroughly tomorrow. I left TikTok and got on the Ashoka app we call Red Note and it’s the bomb. And they are thrilled we are there. In any case glad to meet up here. I need to know how to fight these things to save democracy